Thursday, January 31, 2019

Jane Austen Ball part 1

Yes, that's right...a Jane Austen Ball.

I'm a fan of Jane Austen's books. Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibilities are some of my favorite stories. But I'm not a super fan. Apparently. Because I had no idea that there were giant events and conventions all about Jane Austen and her writing.

There are week long events in Britain, Regency Society groups around the world, and lots of dancing and balls where one can dress up in the style and have fun. I found this out as I did research poking around on the internet after a friend invited me and a couple of others to attend a ball with her.

For my friends and I, the event was about the costumes we made. I will share that story in succeeding posts. For everyone else who attended, it appeared to be all about the dancing! Formal original line dancing. Just like in the movies!

There were over 200 people dancing. Lots of men, too. Men in kilts, tuxedos, frock coats, period military uniforms. Women in day dresses, cotton, linen, plaid silk, taffeta, brocades. A few were in modern formal dress but most everyone was in Regency period costume. Because it was about the dancing, most folks wore comfy flat shoes. Some even wore slip-on tennis shoes.

This is the music program. It was fun to hear these OLD pieces of music. We had a live five piece orchestra and dance caller.

The ball took place at the Pasadena Masonic Lodge in the great room. It was amazing to see it full of regular people dancing in sync, who just happened to be wearing period clothes. This event has been taking place every January for 22 years!

The ball is hosted by The Evening with Jane Austen.

The Historical Tea & Dance Society is another local group. They host events all year long featuring different time periods. My dancing friend has attended a couple of Victorian Balls with this organization.

I had a BALL!

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